Add/Modify Application Steps

Defining Application Steps creates a workflow that program applicants follow to complete their Codect Portal application. Each application has its own, separate workflow.

From the application screen of the program, click the name of the application.

Click "ADD STEP"

The ideal step order is Step 1: Demographics with a Step Type: Codect Person.

After each step you must click ADD STEP to add the next step.

Step 2: Family with Step Type Codect Household.

Step 3: Income with Step Type Codect Income.

Step 4: Document Upload with Step Type Upload Page.

Step 5: Assessments, which typically mirror program-specific forms, can be defined similarly to the other types of steps. All assessments need to have the Is Assessment box checked to ensure that they are handled correctly. Applications can have an unlimited number of assessments that can be defined in any order, even pre-assessments that come before the Demographics/Person step.

Step 6: Signature with Step Type Landing Page. Saved signatures are timestamped and trigger a notification to agency staff.

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