Section B: Individual and Family Services (SRV)

Review CSBG Section B (SRV) Guide
Release Date: December 6, 2018 CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 4- Version 2 p.39-40

SRV 1 Employment Services

All Employment Services (SRV 1a-1q) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the Employment Domain of Module 4, Section A. These services include: Skills Training and Opportunities; Job Search; Post-Employment Supports; and Employment Supplies. This list of services primarily supports the outcomes in FNPI 1a – 1h. These services may also support outcomes in other FNPIs. It will likely take multiple services across various domains for a participant to obtain one of the Employment outcomes in the FNPIs. Report the unduplicated number of participants who receive services. If a participant received the same service more than once during the reporting period, only report that participant one time. The same participant may be reported in more than one service

SRV 2 Education and Cognitive Development Services

All Education and Cognitive Development Services (SRV 2a-2cc) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the Education and Cognitive Development Domain. These services include: Child/Young Adult Education Programs; School Supplies; Extracurricular Programs; Adult Education Programs; Post-Secondary Education Supports; Financial Aid Assistance; and Home Visits. This list of services supports the outcomes in FNPI 2a – 2j. These services may also support outcomes in other domains, such as FNPI 3a (the number of individuals who achieved and maintained capacity to meet basic needs for 90 days) within the Income and Asset Building Domain.
Report the unduplicated number of participants who receive services. If a participant received the same service more than once during the reporting period, only report that participant one time. The same participant may be reported in more than one service.

SRV 3 Income and Asset Building Services

All Income and Asset Building Services (SRV 3a-3q) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the Income and Asset Building Domain. These services include: Training and Counseling Services; Benefit Coordination and Advocacy; Asset Building; and Loans and Grants. This list of services primarily supports the outcomes in FNPI 3a – 3h. These services may also support outcomes such as FNPI 4f (the number of households who avoided foreclosure) within the Housing Domain. Report the unduplicated number of participants who receive services. If a participant received the same service more than once during the reporting period, only report that participant one time. The same participant may be reported in more than one service.

SRV 4 Housing Services

All Housing Services (SRV 4a-4t) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the Housing Domain. These services include: Housing Payment Assistance; Eviction Prevention Services; Utility Payment Assistance; Housing Placement/Rapid Rehousing; Housing Maintenance & Improvement; and Weatherization Services. This list of services primarily supports the outcomes in FNPI 4a – 4i. These services may also assist participants in meeting other FNPIs. For example, a participant who receives SRV Release Date: December 6, 2018 CSBG Annual Report Instruction Manual: Module 4- Version 2 394k (utility arrears payments) may meet the outcome in FNPI 3a (the number of individuals who achieved and maintained capacity to meet basic needs for 90 days). Report the unduplicated number of participants who receive services. If a participant receives the same service more than once during the reporting period, only report that participant one time. The same participant may be reported in more than one service.

SRV 5 Health and Social/Behavioral Development

All Health and Social/Behavioral Development Services (SRV 5a-5oo) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the Health and Social/Behavioral Development Domain. These services include: Health Services; Screening and Assessments; Reproductive Health Services; Wellness; Mental/Behavioral Health; Support Groups; Dental Services, Screenings and Exams; Nutrition and Food/Meals; and Family Skills Development. This list of services primarily supports the outcomes in FNPI 5a – 5j. However, these services may also support a participant obtaining outcomes such as FNPI 1c (maintaining employment for 90 days) within other domains such as Employment. Report the unduplicated number of participants who receive services. If a participant receives the same service more than once during the reporting period, only report that participant one time. The same participant may be reported in more than one service.

SRV 6 Civic Engagement and Community Involvement

All Civic Engagement and Community Involvement Services (SRV 6a-6f) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the Civic Engagement and Community Involvement Domain. These services include: Civic Engagement and Community Involvement Services (voter education and access, leadership training, tri-partite Board membership, citizenship classes, getting-ahead classes, and volunteer training). This list of services primarily supports the outcomes in FNPI 6a – 6b. Report the unduplicated number of participants who receive services. If a participant receives the same service more than once during the reporting period, only report that participant one time. The same participant may be reported in more than one service.

SRV 7 Services Supporting Multiple Domains

All Services Supporting Multiple Domains (SRV 7a-70) are intended to help participants obtain outcomes in the “Services Supporting Multiple Domains” Domain. These services include: Case Management; Eligibility Determinations; Referrals; Transportation Services; Child Care; Elder Care; Identification Documents; Re-Entry Services; Immigration Support Services; Legal Assistance; Emergency Clothing Assistance; and Mediation/Customer Advocacy Interventions. This list of services could support outcomes in different domains. Services may be reported here that are also similar to services reported in a specific domain. For example, the referral service is found in a few different domains. If the referral is specific to a domain, it should be reported in the specific domain. If a referral, is general and crosses multiple domains such as a referral to a case management provider, the referral should be reported in this section.

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